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Methods to Weigh Yourself without a Weight Scale

Mar 18, 2024

The weighing of oneself is difficult without aweight scale. But there are some new ways that can help you get an estimate of your weight. Here are some ways:

1. Use BMI (Body Mass Index)

BMI is a scale for healthy weight and is got by dividing one’s body mass in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. While this will not tell you how much you actually weigh, it gives an indication if you are too heavy or too thin.

2. Utilize household objects

If there are some common weight objects such as 5 kg of rice or 2 liter bottles of water at home, one can attempt to estimate his/her own weight using them. You could try lifting these items and then compare this with how much effort it takes for you to lift yourself.

3. Utilize sizes from clothes

Even though clothes size does not directly imply how much you weigh, it can be helpful as a guide. When you know your cloth size and the typical range of weights for people who wear that size, this is another way to guess your weight.

4. Employ body fat scales

These measure body fat percentage which in turn allows estimation of individual’s mass only if they take on some calculations like the BMI does but this time round coming up with close estimates.

All these methods above give just rough approximations and therefore cannot replace professional weighing gadgets when accurate figures about any person’s body mass are needed so it’s better off buying a weight scale rather than trying all those crazy things!

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