How to measure weight without scale
In our daily life, there are occasions when we don’t havescalesbut want to know our weight. At such time, we can try and estimate our weight through some simple methods. Below are ways you can measure your weight with no weighing machine.
Method 1: Use household items for reference
You can use some fixed-weight items at home as a reference, such as a bucket of water, a carton of milk, etc. First weigh those objects then hold them and stand on something simply balanced point like wooden board with yourself , and you will get rough estimate on the wooden board.
Method 2: Use body size proportions
There is certain proportional relationship between human body sizes and weights which means that one’s weight can be guessed by looking at his/her heights, waist circumference, hip circumference among other data. Although this method is inaccurate it gives a rough range.
Method 3: Measurement Via Volume
Using the principle of water displacement, you can estimate your weight by measuring the depth of your immersion in the water. First fill a big enough container with water, slowly enter into the water noting down how much you immersed in that water so as to calculate an estimated value of your weight using formula.
Method 4: Using professional organizations or devices
For more precise measurement of your mass you may opt to be measured at gymnasiums, hospitals or clinics where they possess professional measuring equipment. This includes an assortment of special instruments used for determining weights accurately than normal scales.
Some creative ways to estimate our own weights without any scales would involve these examples as discussed above .Of course , these methods only give approximate reference values.If you need information about your exact mass , it is still advisable to go for measurement from professionals who make use of professional weigh scales..
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